Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Baby has Arrived!

My little princess has arrived. Iyana (pronounced ee - ana) was born September 20th at 11:45 a.m.. It was a natural birth and my baby (coming from a "pescavegan" womb), was 7lbs9oz. Iyana is healthy and alert with a full head of hair and chubby chipmunk cheeks. How's that for a veganish baby?

New Name

Since I'm no longer pregnant, I've changed the name of my blog to accommodate my new motherhood. So welcome to my new phase and follow me as I face new challenges. If I thought people would be judgmental about my diet while being pregnant, I had no idea what I was in for now that I'm breastfeeding.

Funniest thing I heard: "How can you produce good milk without cows milk?"

Let's stop and think about that one for a minute. We should ask the cows the same question. I'm sure if we spoke and understood cow, they would tell us that they just eat grass. Interesting isn't it.

Now, not only was my baby a healthy weight when she was born, but she's continue to put on weight well with my breast milk as I continue to stick to my diet.

As for myself, I'm still completely healthy and recovering at the same rate as any other mom. I've ventured out of the house the day after I gave birth and people were surprised at how well I looked. Even now almost a week later, I'm passing expectations. The only worry is my iron levels are slightly low but I believe that's due to the fact I had a small-mediumish hemorrhage a few hours after I gave birth.

So now, at the end of my pregnancy journey, I think I've proven, and I'm sure like many other green mamas have already, that you and baby can maintain good health during pregnancy while on a green diet.

I will try to post updates and tips as often as possible (in other words: as often as Iyana will allow me). I can't wait to start this journey of raising a green baby.

Click HERE for my full birth story.

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